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True Leader vs Abuse Leader

MsDS - 93 Views
Published on 18 Jan 2021 / In

During the 2020 Presidential Election America has a choice to make! We either choose a "Leader" who has proven records of historic jobs come back, economy and tax breaks, access to affordable healthcare and prescriptions, to a man who with our great military took out ISIS leaders. A leader who is not afraid to try and go the road of peace with other countries rather than another war. Yet, will defend our nation if threatened.

President Trump has stood by our military and law enforcement's and spoken to people across a plethora of communities to reach out and "ask" how can I and my administration help? He took the reins when the virus hit America and full force to get PPE, Cares Act ( ) Task Force to get therapeutics and vaccine research going to beat the Covid-19 virus. I don't about you but, considering all the "negative and abuse President Trump and his Administration and family has endured;" He still stands strong and leads this nation.

The previous administration sold out America and her people out! We lost jobs over seas, our learning institutions infiltrated by the CCP, back room deals, our military used like chess pieces on chess board, human trafficking globally (they did nothing about it) armed our enemies with American weapons, bowed down to nations who called us little satan, hated Israel, to turning the WH into a celebrity party house. They DID NOT respect "We the people" or govern honestly or work for "We the people." They sought to line their pockets with our hard earned taxpayers money to sending "pallets of cash to Iran."

Nov. 03, 2020 We have a choice to make! Use your own mind America and make up your own mind who want to lead this country. Choose wisely, because our lives, nation and our children's future depend on "US!!"

God bless!

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